Healing Modalities (non Massage)

Services offered by Ellen Noble:



Twin Flame Reiki offers the client all of the relaxation and healing of Intuitive Reiki, with the added benefit of an additional practitioner.  With 35 years of combined experience, Reiki Masters Ellen Noble and Bill Pechman, simultaneously channel life force energy, and their Twin Flame energy for a powerful and beneficial Reiki experience.   As Bill and Ellen embarked on their personal Twin Flame journey, they were led to expand their own personal Reiki practices, and Twin Flame Reiki was born into existence.  As with Intuitive Reiki, they share intuitive information with the client and answer any questions they may have, so as to further them on their path to healing and self-actualization. 
** 75 minutes (in person only) $140, add BioMat $150

Intuitive Reiki– Reiki is a natural healing method with origins in Japan, in which life force energy is channeled by the laying on of hands. This energy occurs naturally throughout our bodies, so the method of Reiki restores and balances the proper energy flow within the body. This practice is spiritually guided and treats the whole person. Reiki promotes relaxation, general well-being and peacefulness. Intuitive Reiki combines the healing relaxation of Reiki with the intuitive reading of one’s energy system. The practitioner shares intuitive information with the client and answers questions they may have, so as to further them on their path to healing and self-actualization. 75 minutes (in person only) $80

Intuitive Reiki with BioMat– The deep healing relaxation found with Reiki is combined with the added benefits of the Richway Amethyst BioMat, which provides safe, natural, highly effective therapy for those who wish to improve their overall health and well-being. The BioMat uses far infrared rays and negative ions to relax muscles, increase circulation, relive muscle pain and stiffness, reduce stress and fatigue, improve sleep, reduce inflammation, increase tissue oxygen, and promote an overall sense of well-being. The practitioner shares intuitive results with the client and answers questions they may have, so as to further them on their path to healing and self-actualization. 75 minutes (in person only) $90

Spiritual Guidance– Spiritual Guidance is a conversation between the client and practitioner, in which the practitioner employs intuition in consulting with the spirit world and the client’s own Higher Self, so as to aid the client in working through questions or problems, and to determine the best path or plan for them moving forward to their highest good. 60/90 minutes (in person or by phone) $70/$100

Medical Intuition Body Scan– Medical Intuition is intended to be used as a tool of supplementary insight. It traces the nature, and its roots of conditions that have manifested themselves in discomfort and disease within the client’s unique energy field. This work is helpful in providing information regarding conditions that may have eluded traditional methods of diagnosis or comprehension. Medical Intuition is not a healing modality, but rather a tool giving an accurate portrait of what is going on in a client’s body. The body can offer information regarding the roots and influences of the present condtition, what it wants or does not want, and a physical, emotional/spiritual portrait of what is currently going on. A Medical Intuitive does not diagnose or offer healing recommendations, however the client is free to share their results with their healing team in whatever manner they choose. 120 minutes (60 mins. for scan, 60 mins. for results) Body scan is always done remotely, results may be given in person, by phone or by email)

Medical Intuition Core Mining– A Core Mining is the Medical Intuitive focusing on one specific area of concern within the body, or one specific health issue the client is experiencing. 30 minutes (in person, by phone or by email) $35

Hypnotherapy– Hypnotherapy is a practice of hypnosis, a deep state of relaxation and focused attention, used as a tool for therapeutic purposes. The client, under the guidance of a qualified hypnotherapist, is taken into a trance (theta brain waves) state, so as to allow the client to focus on positive suggestions made by the hypnotherapist, that are related and pertaining to the client’s specific goals. The ability to enter into this state and focus on these suggestions opens the door to aid the client in deeper self-exploration, making positive life changes, and experiencing a healing of body, mind, and spirit, in a safe, positive, powerful and highly efficient way.

Hypnotherapy may be used safely and effectively in the treatment of anxiety, depression, pain management, fears, phobias, smoking cession, weight reduction/management, stress, habit disorders, anger management, self-confidence, self-sabotage, migraines, trauma/PTSD, sleep disorders, and many others, without the use of drugs or adverse side effect. 60 minutes (in person or by phone) $85

Weight Management– “Journey to a Healthier You! Weight Management Program” is a 6-8 week long program of 1 hour hypnotherapy sessions designed to aid the client in achieving their weight reduction /weight management goals easily, safely, effectively and holistically, without counting calories, counting pointes, purchasing and eating prepackaged food or shakes, or depriving themselves of their favorite foods. Hypnotherapy, positive affirmations, and the client’s individual and specific goals are used to create a customized program specifically for them, in order to best serve them in achieving and maintaining their weight reduction/weight management goals. 60 minutes (in person or by phone) $60

Past Life Regression– Past Life Regression is used as a method of self-discovery. The regressionist induces the client into a trance (theta brain waves) state in order to regress the client to a past life, or to a life event within the current life, that may lead the client to greater understanding, clarity and healing within the client’s present lifetime. 90 minutes (in person or by phone) $95

Double Past Life Regression– Double Past Life Regression is used as a method of self-discovery for two people in a relationship with one another, whether it is romantic, friends, relatives, etc. The Regressionist induces the clients into a trance (theta brain waves) state in order to regress both clients at once to a shared past life, or to a current life event in order to gain understanding, clarity and healing within their shared present lifetime. 90 minutes (in person or by phone) $150